Anna Koshmal
Anna Koshmal, born October 22, 1994, in Kyiv in Ukraine. Anna Koshmal is 27 years old. There's no information on the internet about her siblings or parents. Anna is also Ukrainian heritage and is a follower of the Christian belief system. Anna Koshmal 's net worth is estimated to be at around $2 million. She is paid for her acting roles in television as well as films. Anna also mentioned that modeling for various magazines is a way to earn extra money. Anna Koshmal had a dream to become an artist since at the age of 6. She wasn't certain of which path she'd take. She attended numerous painting classes throughout her youth. Anna attended singing classes and modern dance classes. Also, she is a skilled artist. Komal spoke about her talent to draw in several interviews. In two months' time, she was made to attend a drama class in Republic Kids by her parents. After completing her studies in theater drama she learned more about the art of acting as well as theatre dramas through the course. After that, she attended The Faculty of Music and Management for lessons in pop music under the direction by L. I. Utyosov. Following her graduation from the Faculty of Music, she was selected for a role in a movie with a casting group. Look below for the story! Anna Koshmal had just turned seventeen when Kvartal 95 Studio contacted her. They approached her after she was in Republic Kids. The studio agent recognized her potential as a great actor. While she did not know what character she was auditioning when casting agents approached the actress, they was unaware. Prior to the casting agents, she performed songs that she had trained by her and also did only a small amount of acting. Her agency approved her almost quickly. Her first role as an actor came as a character in Match Makers.

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